Checking me email this morning I noticed that I had a comment on my blog, for me this doesn't happen often as I only have 1 follower.I should not expect too much as my blog is now only about 6 weeks old.
Its kinda funny as I sit here typing this I actually wonder who I am doing it for. Is it just for me or do I just hope one day that I have more followers...yep I think thats it.
Anyway a big thankyou to my one and only follower Misty -
for sharing the "Liebster " award with me.
Misty is now on the Scrap FX design team and I am so looking foward to seeing more of her work and also that of all the other design team members.
Misty is now on the Scrap FX design team and I am so looking foward to seeing more of her work and also that of all the other design team members.
is German for "Dearest". The award is a "Share the love arrangement", given to
inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers. Here is the to do list for
any of the "Liebster" blog award recipients.
Thank your Liebster Blog award presenter on your blog.
Link back to the blogger who presented you the award.
and paste the award on your blog.
Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 bloggers with less than 200
Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their
And to honour some other wonderful people who inspire me, hop over and check out their blogs.